Looking back at my study abroad experience

I’ve been back in the Netherlands for some weeks now. Looking back at my time in Seoul, I’m so grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to study abroad, despite of the COVID-19 pandemic. Jim and I have seen a lot of South Korea. We’ve had an amazing time and we’ve learned so much. I can’t believe that it’s over now. In case you wonder why I chose to study abroad and what I’ve learned of it… You should read this.

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I lately posted an IGTV on my instagram about my trip to Jeju island. 

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Seoul, Suwon & Nami Island

I’ve already been in South Korea for six weeks now. Time flies! I’m still following online courses and hopefully we can start following courses at the university on the 2nd of May. Besides following the courses, there’s enough time to visit things in Seoul. The weather is getting better and more and more people are on the streets… Some of them even without a mask.

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The South-Korean COVID-19 approach

The past week has been hard. Fontys send us an urgent request to come back to the Netherlands. It was a difficult decision: Staying in South-Korea or coming back to the Netherlands. Difficult because I feel like South-Korea is getting control over the spread of the virus, the online courses of the university just started and I finally started feeling better after being sick for a while.

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Feeling sick

Unfortunately I felt sick the past few days. I worried that it might be the Corona virus and my GP in the Netherlands advised me to stay inside. In that way a Corona test wouldn’t be necessary for me. So I stayed in my room as much as possible and limited contact with others. After a few days I started feeling better!

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Hello Seoul!

My first days at the other side of the world have passed already. Here you can read about my experiences!

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