Feeling sick

Gepubliceerd op 15 maart 2020 om 15:38

Unfortunately I felt sick the past few days. I worried that it might be the Corona virus and my GP in the Netherlands advised me to stay inside. In that way a Corona test wouldn’t be necessary for me. So I stayed in my room as much as possible and limited contact with others. After a few days I started feeling better!


On Sunday I visited Ihwa Mural Village! Some years ago it was set for destruction as it kind of seemed like a slum, but in 2006 murals were added by 70 artists in an effort to revitalize the neighborhood. I loved walking through the small and colourful streets. My favorite thing about this area was the cafe where you could paint a cat while drinking coffee! Unfortunately I’m not a very talented painter 😹.


Talking about coffee… There are a lot of dessert cafes in Seoul! You can find one in every street! My favorite thing to order is a cappuccino with cinnamon on top. And yes, of course I LOVE DESSERTS 😻.


Tomorrow is my first day of school… I will be following online courses at home 😜. I’m already curious how that will be and maybe these online courses are for the best after feeling sick.

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5 jaar geleden

Hee, Livia hou je goed en blijf gezond!
Succes met online volgen van colleges.
Groet uit Tilburg (FSH is gesloten :-(